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Generative AI—Is It the Catalyst for Evolution in Test Automation? Generative AI—Is It the Catalyst for Evolution in Test Automation?

Generative AI is changing testing practices by automating the creation of test cases, adapting to software changes and improving test efficiency. This highlights the growing importance of artificial intelligence in improving test coverage and accuracy, making test automation even more adaptive and intelligent. It has the potential to change the way software is tested, ultimately leading to higher-quality software products.

Rohit Khankhoje's picture Rohit Khankhoje
Discover YAML Based Test Automation Framework with Maestro Discover YAML Based Test Automation Framework with Maestro

The Maestro Automation Framework stands out as a robust open-source tool, offering a plethora of features beneficial to software development teams. While it boasts of many strengths, it is essential for organizations to be aware of its limitations. By understanding these limitations and adhering to best practices, teams can harness Maestro's capabilities to its fullest, ensuring efficient testing processes and the delivery of top-tier software products.

Arvind Kumar Bhardwaj's picture Arvind Kumar Bhardwaj
Exploratory Testing: Why Is It Not Ideal for Agile Projects? Exploratory Testing: Why Is It Not Ideal for Agile Projects?

As the Agile environment has efficient principles that allow quick responses to changes and the ability to deal with uncertainty, exploratory testing may seem like a perfect match for such projects. However, this is only partially true. In reality, diverse reasons impede its usage in Agile projects, and companies should take them into account before designing QA strategies.

Vitaly  Prus's picture Vitaly Prus
Benefits of Using Static Code Analysis Tools for Software Testing Benefits of Using Static Code Analysis Tools for Software Testing

Static code analysis tools offer a range of benefits for software testing. By identifying potential issues early on in the development process, these tools can help improve the quality and reliability of software, the codebase’s maintainability, and software security by identifying potential vulnerabilities and security issues.

David Fagbuyiro's picture David Fagbuyiro
The Rise and Fall of Protractor, and Why You Should Stop Using It

Protractor has been a popular choice for writing end-to-end (E2E) browser tests over the past decade. However, Protractor is being removed from the Angular project as of Angular 15 due to a loss of dedicated developers and the rise of better testing frameworks. Based on this state of affairs, what should developers working with Protractor do, and what tool choices do developers have going forward?

Joshua Grant's picture Joshua Grant
Uplifting QA Teams Through Metrics Uplifting QA Teams Through Metrics

As software products and services are becoming more complex, it requires more comprehensive testing for identifying the defects and pursuing the necessary fixes before it becomes available for public release. The QA process needs to be planned out and monitored so that it can be successful. The most effective way to track the efficacy of QA activities is to use well-thought-through metrics.

Dilruba Malik's picture Dilruba Malik
The Growing Role of AI in DevOps

All around us, we are seeing a growing trend of artificial intelligence (AI) being implemented in every aspect of our lives—from self-driving cars to intelligent chatbots. But what about the world of DevOps? Has AI come to play a role here as well? The growing role of AI in DevOps has unearthed some key benefits it can bring to many DevOps workflows.

Jenelle Fulton-Brown's picture Jenelle Fulton-Brown
Cost Effective: Pre vs Post Comparison Regression Testing Cost Effective: Pre vs Post Comparison Regression Testing

The approach to test via comparison of multiple API responses between production and test code versions is very effective and produces the required results, release over release. Improvements and changes, however, are needed to address changing needs. This is true for most if not all tech solutions; the economics principle ‘Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility’ also applies to software. A tech solution that excited stakeholders when first introduced could become stale very soon. A revamp or a new solution is needed to match evolving expectations.

Anubhav Bansal's picture Anubhav Bansal
Why Should Businesses Leverage Selenium Automation Testing? Why Should Businesses Leverage Selenium Automation Testing?

One tool that has come a long way in simplifying testing efforts through automation technology is Selenium. Read more to learn the benefits of web automation testing and why Selenium can be the ultimate choice for a solution that can aid the web automation testing processes for organizations of different sizes and industries.

Kanika Vatsyayan's picture Kanika Vatsyayan
Continuous Testing with Self-Healing: Why Is It Important? Continuous Testing with Self-Healing: Why Is It Important?

Adopting a machine learning-driven self-healing technique in test automation can prevent flaky tests, reduce test failures, and save time on code maintenance. Self-healing is one of the essential factors for successfully performing continuous testing in the DevOps model.

Shanthi Karpurapu's picture Shanthi Karpurapu


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